BEWARE: Mother Almost Lost Her Legs After Shaving Her Bikini Line

1:10 AM 0
Mother shaved her bikini line that almost killed her

It is a common occurrence for everybody to be shaving their body of hair to be hygienic. But, what happened to this woman almost cost her, her life.

On the 2012 of May, 44 year-old and a mother of 3, Dana Sedgewick, had the idea of trimming her bikini line with the use of a new razor following her routine, so she did. Eventually, she encountered a small bleeding pimple on her groin but didn’t think much of it.

A few days have passed when her eldest daughter, Megan, found her mother lying in bed with her legs looking horrendous and covered in a bloody, red rash. The cause of this was due to the small pimple that has developed into necrotizing fasciitis, a flesh-eating infection.

She was immediately brought to the hospital and got treatment. Doctors’ diagnosis was a condition wherein the bacteria release toxins that attack the surrounding soft tissue that can be caused by a minor cut or scratch.

She was rushed into the hospital to get immediate treatment. Doctors diagnosed her with the condition causing bacteria to release toxins that attack the surrounding soft tissue. It can be caused by a minor cut or scratch.

“By the time I got to the hospital, my legs were covered in black, rotting flesh. It was touch-and-go as to whether I’d make it.”

She went into surgery for 10 hours to save her legs. Doctors cut through seven inches of infected skin and removed the diseased flesh and reapplied skin from her back.

Despite the surgery, Dana developed sepsis which gave her 30% of surviving. Her kidneys failed and her heart stopped four times.

Finally, after waiting for excruciating moments, the surgery was successful. But, Dana’s legs had to be covered with bandages. She thought she suffered from a car accident when she later on realized she wasn’t but instead accidentally cut her groin while shaving.

When it was time to remove the bandage, Dana was shocked and traumatized to see what happened to her legs.

She said: ‘It was horrific. All of my muscle had rotted away, and I had a crater of skin near my groin. I felt like I was going to throw up. But I knew that it could have been much, much worse. I could easily have lost my legs – or worse, died.’

Shaving Her Bikini Line

Dana is now fully recovered with the help of her doctors who did their best to save her and family who never left her side.

Her story is a warning to those who shaved and ignored the small pimple. It might be small but it can cause your life.


Living Poisin:This is Poisoning Us Everyday and We Aren't Even Aware of It!

12:47 AM 0
Keep away from children: Poison that we all enjoy and use

We cannot deny that we’ve used fabric softeners even just once in our life. We are attracted to what it sells – fabric softener ads give the sense of illusion of comfort, sweetness and freshness.

Although, we have been caught, line and sinker for buying and using it – we are most probably dismissing the facts that these products contain numerous toxins and chemicals, which can enter the body through the skin and by inhalation that can lead to a long list of health problems, especially young children are more prone to acquiring diseases.

The fabric softeners are dosed with chemicals and a hefty dose of fragrance that are hard to remove and cling to every surface of fabric or piece of clothing; the scent stays on for a long period of time, too.

This is known as “fragrance substantivity,” which describes how a long a fragrance lasts on a particular surface and how it is affected by temperature, humidity and other conditions.

These are the most common toxic chemicals, found in all fabric softeners:

Alpha Terpineol – this is a toxic chemical, which can cause many health problems, such as; dizziness, headaches, hunger, memory loss, numbness in face, pain in neck and spine.

Benzyl Acetate – is a toxic substance that has been linked to pancreatic cancer. Its vapors can be irritating for the eyes and respiratory passages and it can also be absorbed through the skin

Chloroform – is a powerful carcinogenic neurotoxin and it may cause many health problems, such as loss of consciousness, nausea, headache, vomiting, and/or dizziness, drowsiness

Linalool – is a narcotic, known to cause respiratory problems and it causes the so-called loss of muscle coordination


Natural RemediesEasily Whiten Your Underarms in Just 3 Minutes Using These Natural Remedies

12:36 AM 0
Having problems of dark underarms? We’ve got the solution for you and it’s totally natural!

Nowadays, cosmetic issues such as having dark underarms are a common problem many people face. This may be due to a result of shaving, or regular use of hair removing creams, excessive sweating, and poor underarm ventilation, or an accumulation of dead skin cells, alcohol-based deodorants and antiperspirants.

Dark underarms can also indicate a medical condition known as Acanthosis Nigricans, linked to insulin resistance, obesity, or hormonal disorders, certain medications and cancer.

Fortunately, there is a better option for treating this unwanted skin condition – through a natural remedy! This kind of remedies will help you acquire white underarms without any bad side effects depending on your skin type or preferred choice.

Natural Ways to Whiten Your Underarms

1. Potatoes – Rub a thin slice of potato in your underarms. You can also grate the potato and apply its juice to dark areas. Allow your arms to dry for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat this twice a day and allow the potato’s bleaching properties do their trick!

2. Lemon – Rub a lemon onto your skin and leave it to rest for several minutes. Wash it off after 10 minutes. Apply a moisturizer afterwards, because lemons could irritate your skin.

3. Baking Soda – Mix baking soda and water until you get a thick paste. Scrub your underarms, then wash the paste off and let it dry. Do this several times a week. The odor of your underarms can be neutralized by baking soda and cornstarch.

4. Vinegar – Mix flour and vinegar until you get a thick paste. Rub the paste on your underarms and allow it to dry 10 to 15 min. Rinse with warm water. Do this procedure several times a week.

5. Coconut oil – This oil is rich in vitamins. Put some coconut oil on your underarms before showering, massage the area 5-10 minutes, and wash it off with warm water and soap. Repeat this every day until you get visible results.

How to Avoid Having Dark Underarms

• Try waxing instead of shaving your underarms. If you shave, you’re at risk of developing ingrown hairs that generate dark underarm appearance. Waxing makes the complete hair to come out of the follicle.

• Use coconut oil instead of shaving cream, because it leaves your skin feeling smooth and soft.

• Exfoliate your underarms once a week to prevent the buildup of dead skin cells.

• Use natural antiperspirants to control sweating and keep your underarms smell good.


9 Facts That You Need To Know About Bananas!

12:05 AM 0
'9 Amazing benefits of Bananas'

Bananas are tasty and very healthy. Bananas are rich in vitamins and minerals. It also has alot of health benefits. 

Eating banana can cure kidney cancer, depression, osteoporosis, blindness, diabetes and morning sickness. 

9 health benefits of Bananas:

1. Bananas are filled with dietary fiber that helps improve digestion. With this, it can also fight constipation and make bowel movement easier.

2. It also helps regulate the blood sugar which is good for diabetic people. 

3. Banana can also prevent calcium deficiency, improve the mineral absorption and strengthen the bones and health. 

4. Bananas contains with potassium which improves the brain function and also improves reasoning and cognitive ability. 

5. Banana also helps avoid kidney cancer and kidney stones by encouraging the body's calcium absorption. 

6. Bananas contains high amount of iron that improves the blood quality that fights off anemia. 

7. Banana boosts up energy. Before exercising, consume a banana or two to have enough stamina. 

8. Banana contains low sodium and rich in potassium that helps protect people from stroke and heart attacks. 

9. Bananas is filled tryptophan content that transforms into serotonin in the body which controls the mood that treats depression.


This Little Known Simple Trick Will Help You Fight Arthritis, Sciatica and Backache Better Than Pills

10:31 PM 0
Simple ingredient that will definitely cure arthritis, back pain and other diseases

Nowadays, the popularity of castor oil has been booming because of its wide range of uses. It offers many health advantages and aids in different health complications.  

Castor oil is considered as one of the richest oils packed in fatty acid content, especially ricinoleic acid and has powerful laxative, antiviral, analgesic, and antibacterial properties that effectively treat back pain, arthritis, and sciatica pain.

In order to treat various health diseases and disorders, you can now turn to natural remedies such as castor oil which can be a better alternative than pills or drugstore medicines because it doesn’t provide any bad side effects like store brought drugs.

Health Benefits of Castor Oil:
Treat chronic constipation
Hydrates the skin
Stimulates hair growth
Boosts the immune system
Gastrointestinal disorders
Treats warts, acne scars, wounds, bug bites, and sebaceous cysts
Treats back pain, arthritis, and sciatica

Apply castor oil directly on the affected area, and massage the place well. Repeat this several times daily until you experience the improvements.

Additional tip:
Note that despite its numerous beneficial properties, you should use castor oil carefully, in order to avoid certain side effects.


Say Goodbye To Vertigo, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue, Thyroid Problems And Much More!

10:18 PM 0
Say hello to a healthy life and goodbye to lupus, arthritis, chronic fatigue, thyroid problems and much more

People around the world are suffering from various diseases due to unhealthy lifestyle or because of a stressful environment. Because of unfortunate circumstances our health suffers so, in retaliation we treat these problems with store-brought drugs that causes side effects and doesn’t give the best results. Therefore the best option is to cure health complications naturally.

Thyme is an herb, useful in the kitchen and is often used as a spice for adding flavor for our dishes. But, in addition, it is also beneficial for our overall health for it offers numerous health advantages; it is high in minerals including calcium, iron, and potassium and acts as an antioxidant.

Its medicinal qualities are present in pharmaceutical drugs and are used for treating multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia.

This advantageous herb regulates blood pressure, treats a cough and bronchitis; helps the formation of red blood cell; treat chronic fatigue, asthma, sore throat, laryngitis, fights dizziness, lupus, fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

The following drink will help you use the potent properties of thyme:

a handful of thyme (fresh or dried)
1 cup of water
honey (optional)

1. Wash the thyme and place it in a bowl. 
2. Boil the water, and pour it over the thyme. 
3. Leave it for a few minutes, and then strain it to eliminate the solid parts. 
4. You can add honey to taste to sweeten the drink.

You should consume this drink daily, and the effects will be felt very soon!


You Want To Quit Smoking? Use This Herb And It Will Destroy Your Desire For Nicotine

8:24 AM 0
Quit smoking easily by consuming this plant!

In today’s generation, smoking has become a habit for many especially the younger peers thinking that it looks ‘cool’ and nobody can ever prevent them from doing this act. 
Thus, nicotine is a highly addictive substance that a cigarette contains, which makes people crave for it, and the more they smoke, the more they get attached to it.

When smokers stop taking nicotine, they undergo a withdrawal phase and go through different symptoms which create a great discomfort and agitation for them. The physical aspect will stop in a week, but the cravings take a longer time.

But, do not be discouraged yet, a recent German study that was conducted showed that Stevia can help stop the cravings for alcohol and cigarettes. The aforementioned plant is a member of the chrysanthemum family and is native to Paraguay which has been used as a sweetener for a long time. Stevia inhibits the cravings and the signals the brain sends.

In other words, consume few drops of Stevia every day if the urge for taking nicotine comes. Drop the Stevia directly on the tongue to stop the cravings right away. It can be used either in the form of liquid and powder and is available in healthy food stores or supermarkets. 

Stevia is highly beneficial in the case of hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. It nourishes the skin and tightens it, treats acne, and fights dermatitis.

This is how to grow it at home:
It cannot survive in freezing conditions as it likes warm temperatures and the sun. Its root survives in zones 9 and warmer and might grow again in spring.

If well protected, it can also survive in zone 8. Plant the Stevia in 12-inch containers, with high-quality soil. Place them to be exposed to direct sunlight and water it when the soil is dry.

Leave the plant to have a space of 18 inches, in a well-drained, loamy, and loose soil. It might reach a height of 1-3 feet. Plant it after the end of the frost, and use nice compost.

To prevent drying, use mulch in the summer. Do not use soggy soil, and make sure it has a good drainage. Note that the roots are rotten or attacked by insects if the plant wilts.

Trim off the flowers in fall, as it blooms then, in order to stimulate the growth of new leaves. The flowers are white, and to help the plant release more leaves, clip off the blooms. On the other hand, the leaves are the sweetest in autumn, before it starts blooming.

When the leaves are plucked, dry them to be able to use them longer. Cut off the stems, and eliminate the leaves and tender stems. Scatter it on woven fabric or some non-metal surface, and dry the leaves in the sun.

This process lasts for a day, and you should then collect them and place them in a container. Crush the leaves and make a powder.

Pour the powder into airtight containers, and add it to your foods and drinks to sweeten them.


7 Deadly Mistakes Never Ever Make When Kissing Your Partner

8:08 AM 0
Avoid these mistakes when kissing your partner to experience the best time of your life

Kissing a day keeps the doctor away. Did you know that tidbit of information? Locking lips and swishing tongues actually escalates saliva flow that helps avoid tooth decay. 

According to a study conducted, saliva contains minerals that clean out food particles in the mouth and protect tooth enamel.  This is only one example of the benefits of kissing, but this doesn’t mean that you don’t need to brush your teeth, it is still important to maintain hygiene.

Everybody likes to kiss even if it’s only chaste. According to statistics, couples and partners that regularly kiss tend to live longer. Kissing is considered as an art and is a sign of affection. Likewise, there are do’s and don’ts of kissing that you should be aware of to experience the best time of your life. Otherwise, if not it will disrupt the sacredness of kissing and spoil the moment of intimacy and pleasure.

Deadly Mistakes that’s to be Avoided so a Wonderful Kissing Experience Unfolds:

1. Bad Breath when Kissing

Nobody wants to kiss anyone with a bad smell of garlic or alcohol coming from their partner’s mouth. So, don’t consume this before kissing. Nothing is worse than taking someone else’s smelly mouth. Don’t give the nose a headache. Fresh breath is very critical in this endeavor.

2. Don’t Forget to Use Your Hands when Kissing

It’s just not the tongue and lips that make the kiss complete, but your hands too, that is part of this kissing with gentle caresses and soft strokes which act as a catalyst on your partner. So don’t hold your hands back from exploring the body while kissing. Without the hands, kissing alone has no impact.

3. Don’t Force Tongue to Kiss

Don’t put the tongue before your mouth. You need to read the body language. The way you are kissed that’s exactly the way your partner wants to be kissed. Don’t rush with your tongue. Let it be a slow and steady lip movement first.

4. Don’t Let Saliva Run Free when Kissing

Whenever you’re kissing don’t let out a sea of saliva to flow on your partners lips, cheeks, nose, ears or the neck. Try and control your saliva flow otherwise your partner will feel like spitting it out rather than continue kissing.

5. Don’t Rush and Rough up the Kissing

Don’t bite the lip straightaway, nibble on it rather. Go slow, be tender when you kiss. Don’t be impatient and aggressive with your partner, take your time. Don’t rush with the tongue, more than tongue playing there will be teeth clashing.

6. Don’t Think of Your Next Move when Kissing

Always be in the moment. Go with the flow. Don’t think of what you’re going to do next, it will take you away from the moment. Don’t think of kissing and in no time going down the pants. This will make you go out not down from your partners mind.

7. Don’t Lean and Put Pressure When Kissing

Passion is good but punching their face with your face is not good at all. Understand your pressure if you find your partner moving away means your leaning on her with too much pressure, try and ease that pressure a bit. Don’t smother your partners face.


Use This and all open pores will disappear from your skin forever

7:56 AM 0
Pores is all over our skin but can be seen by our naked eyes. However, as we grow older or gets affected by other factors pores becomes visible. In removing or shrinking this has alot of process and remedy but there is a naturally and budget friendly way to get rid of pores.

Removing pores using only egg white and lemon face mask because, in this way, it tones up and tightens the skin. 

- 2 eggs
- 1/2 lemon

Crack the egg and get ONLY the egg whites and mix it with the lemon. Mix it well, until it dry up, apply it on your face. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash your face thoroughly. 

Using this mask will clean your face by getting the pores and tightening your face skin. 

REMINDER: Use this mask twice a week for a month or two.


4 Leftovers You Should Avoid Eating At Any Cost,Especially the 4th One.

7:20 AM 0
If you’re fond of leftovers, well avoid these 4 foods

When we go out to eat or even from just staying at home and ordering food, we cannot help but have some leftovers. It is convenient when you’re too tired to cook and you can easily reheat it. Although, we think that reheating meals are not harmless, think again! According to experts, some foods can damage our health when reheated.

Four leftovers that should be avoided:

Reheating the vegetables or storing them improperly can be fatal. The Center for Food Safety says that the leftover vegetables need to be stored at -40C and if you need to store the vegetables for longer period, freeze them.  Celery, lettuce, beets and spinach have high levels of nitrates that accumulate if the vegetables are exposed to a room temperature. Nitrate can cause a rare blood disorder in children called methemoglobinemia, which causes symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath and seizures.

Vegetable oil
Reheating the meals that are prepared with vegetable oils is very dangerous and it is linked to an increased risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease. The reheating of polyunsaturated oils that contain linoleic acid (corn oil, sunflower oil and canola) releases HNE (4-hydroxy- trans-2-nonenal) which is a toxin from the fatty acids that harm the health. It has been linked to some types of cancer, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, liver problems and heart disease. The vegetable oil should be used only once and never reheated.

Chicken contains a lot of protein and when reheated, its composition alters to more dangerous one. Reheating cold chicken is allowed if the meat’s inside is very hot. It is important if you use microwave as it sometimes does not heat the meals evenly. The chicken meat can be eaten for up to two days, not a second more.

If you want to stay healthy, you should store the rice properly. According to Food Standard Agency, the rice that is uncooked contains spores of harmful bacteria that survive the 1st cooking process. If it is stored at room temperature, the spores will multiply and cause many digestive problems. These spores can survive the reheating process. That is why it is recommended to eat it all you have cooked at once. You better freeze the leftovers (if there are any) instead of keeping it for tomorrow in the fridge.